Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Suing Every College I Ever Went To!

There is a woman, who goes by the name Trina Thompson, who is suing her college because she can't find a job.

She can join the club.

Even though I have a job during this time of soaring unemployment, I'm nowhere close to living the type of fabulosity (yes...I made that up) that I invisioned when I was an 18 year old high school student. I, like many other teenagers around the country, thought that a degree would be a one way ticket to fame and fortune. I thought I was going to me some hot shot grad making at least $80,000 a year my first year out of college. It didn't take me long into my freshman year to realize that my fantasy was probably not going to happen.

The fact that Ms. Thompson thinks that all the professors who spent time reading her absolutely boring papers, the cooks who made her mediocre lunch, and all of the other staff and faculty who ere compensated in order to make her pursuit of a better life a reality should now return the money because she can't land a job - is ludicrous. The campus grounds needed to be maintained. College, like everything else in this country is a business. These institutions need money to operate. How can she think that she can just get a refund? Does she intend to give back the degree? And if so, how does she intend to give it back?

She may need to concern herself more with what it is about her that is unemployable. Maybe she stinks? Maybe she shows up on job interviews looking like she just doesn't give a damn, and never did. Maybe (and I tend to think this is true) she has a bad attitude that is more than apparent on interviews.

Another question I have, is who's the lawyer that took this case? I mean, are times this hard that lawyers are taking bullshit cases! (As if lawyers ever needed a reason besides bullshit to take a bullshit case...) This story is just one of the most preposterous arguments I've ever heard. Since Ms. Thompson has only graduated in April - she may find her job search tougher. Now every employer in the country is aware that she is a spoiled brat who has no fundamental understanding of the benefits of a college education. A poll on the New York Daily News say that approximately 30% of pollsters believe that this case has merit and that Ms. Thompson should be refunded her money.

If someone tells me how a degree, credits, faculty salary, and maintainance of facilities can be refunded - maybe I'll consider Ms. Thompson's argument.