Monday, January 26, 2009

Just When You Think You Know It All...

I pride myself on being a self assured woman who knows who I am, what I want, and how to get everything I want and more. Every so often a person or an event comes along and reminds you that you really aren't the "bitch" you think you are. It's almost been two weeks since my last post and I have been on quite a rollercoaster ride. Since I write this blog under the beautiful cloak of anonymity I feel perfectly fabulous to reveal that I have made a complete ass of myself.

Everyone's had times when they're off and their man is on, or vice versa. Last week, me and my boo were experiencing just this type of dilemma. I quizzed him by asking very insecure questions to reach a level of security this line of questioning just doesn't allow for only to recieve a response from him that caused me to resort to hitting, scratching, biting, and acting a genuine fool. All weekend long has been filled with ups and downs of me just being plain nasty and berating. This morning...I rudely woke Mr. Boyfriend out of his sleep to continue my ranting and raving only to recieve a response this time so simplistic and humble...I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before.

Some of us fabulous as we think we are...have some real deep and genuine issues with men. If you've been genuinely hurt by men in the past, the way that I have, then you are a fabulous, sexy, divalicious woman who is scorned. I have hurled fists, accusations, names, and just downright nastiness to a man who didn't cause the hurt that have been plaguing me my entire life. Mr. Boyfriend has treated me with a level of forgiveness, kindness, and love that I haven't reciprocated because I don't know how. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm too scared to be loved and too scared to fully love somebody. My hurt just overtakes me, and causes me to blow small misunderstandings completely out of proportion. Never even considering that I could be with an honest kind, loving, sensitive man casues me to feel deep shame and regret. As I write, my body aches from the physical damage I've done to myself trying to hurt someone that didn't look "hurt enough" in the midst of an argument --an argument, that was completely and totally avoidable.

So what now? What do I do? How can I undue all of this pain and learn to see that I can't continually live in past hurts? How can I not hurt the ones I love and not expect to be hurt by them? I'm sure someone will comment, "Seek Therapy"...but please see earlier posts where I have described how my fabulous life has been effected by this economic downturn!

I have so much to learn...
So much to unlearn...
So much love to give and pain to relieve...
Healing is a process, and it has to start somewhere.


MsFlyGirl said...

Well Beautiful sister,

You my dear are not strange and different at all and you do not need therapy you are in the middle of living LOL love it and take from it.

You, me and every woman in the world have been in the same place you have we have been hurt and so now protect ourselves from that feeling unsure of love or even know how to love.

I am not here to judge but offer suggestion. You are a reader like me but one of the books i read that has changed my mind frame is "Bait of Satan" and "Battelfield of the mind" true i am a christian but i am not trying to convert you. enlighten you on a different way of thinking.

One day I was praying and I told the lord I dont know how to love and he revealed it in my heart so clear it brought me to tears 1 Corinthians 13:4-12.

Now when you read it you may feel that it doesnt match the world view of love. But what is this superficial love we have been taught on television. Thats not real, expensive presents and false promises and if we all love like what it shows in Corinthians how remarkable it would be.

Now it will be challenging trust, but trust God and verify if this is your mate and trust that it will work out.

Love GOD love yourself (you deserve it) then love others. Love well and healthy. Arguing and mean name callings is not love it is uncontrolled anger and how could you lash out and break a person down that you love. No try something different. Tell your mate truthfully and honestly what you have been through and ask him to help you through it by holding your hand.

Love you

The Intellectual Diva said...

Thank You so much!! The only place I've even let this go is on my blog. When I was writing this I was just a jumble of emotions. Who knows what the future has in store...but I'm just grateful everyday to have found peace.

Bird* said...

relationships are tough.... so risky.