Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Short-List on Making Yourself Feel Good When You Feel Like Shit

I have been kind of wondering around in a mindless "not-so-fabulous" funk for about a week. Not even sweet champagne can lull away these tuggings on my heartstrings. I cannot pinpoint any one thing responisble. A wide range of grievances have me in a complete haze. Yet, and still, I must maintain my Diva swagger. On Sunday I got my hair done. The disappointment I felt over my hair not coming out the way I'd anticipated overwhelmed the reason I'd actually gone in to get my hair done in the first place. I wanted a little pick-me-up; a little shot in the arm to jumpstart me back to my regularly fabulous program.

Everyone has days when they are feeling "not-quite-themselves", even Intellectual Divas are not unsusceptible to this rule. So, as I write this post, that may or may not ever get read, I'm checking off fabulous pick-me-ups that I have done or could do to lift me out of this funk.

1. Get my hair done a
I went on Sunday to get my hair done, and left feeling as if I'd been cheated. Nothing can ruin a day faster than when your hair looks like shit. It is now early Wednesday morning and I'm still adjusting. On-lookers may think I look cute, but only I who know what I wanted, and can truly feel the sting of the disappointment. Only I know the vast difference between the bullshit this woman was paid (and even stipended herself a tip!) to do, and what was actually expected...oh the horror.

2. Get some new digs
I haven't bought any new clothes yet. I may have been able to if I didn't have to dole out money to guilt-mongering relatives who use all of their extra curricula looking for ways to make me feel guilty. These type of people will drain all of the joy your sweet little heart can hold...if you let them.

3. Finish Projects that I've Started
I have 550 things to do. Everyday I try to do at least two things, but some days I don't do anything at all. Sometimes I spend the whole week not doing anything, and then kicking myself in the ass because of the guilt. Thus the cycle repeats itself. Sometimes I can get in this little funk that last and lasts.

4. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
This, of course, is easier said than done.


Brooke said...

awww sweetie, I know how you & my husband are broke shop-a-holics and we've been hurting lately too. Its forcing us to get to know our "true worth"

Sarai said...

ugh don't that just annoy you when you get your hair done and it's just not what you wanted-instant mood killer!